Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Best 5 Survival Knife

I hear it all the time, “What’s the BEST Survival Knife David?” So today, I’m coming clean and going to share with you THE best survival knife in the world for any situation that you find yourself.

So What Makes a Great Survival Knife?

Well there’s a lot of discussion and debate about this, probably because the term, “survival knife” means many different things to many different people.

So let me ask YOU this… “What is THE Best Survival Knife?”

TIER 1 – Neck Knife – A good neck knife is my primary EDC blade because it travels unnoticed and invisible around my neck at all times. My personal choice in neck knives is the super lightweight and capable CRKT Felts Minimalist or my new favorite (and soon to be released on Kick Starter) 5 Knives - 3 Pocket Knives Ultimate Survival Tips: MASK-1 Mini neck knife.

TIER 2 Pocket Knife – When I need a blade quick, I’m reaching for me pocket knife. Now for me, my pocket knife changes depending on the situation. If I just want a general general utility blade… either my Schroeder First Response or Gerber Propel are coming along. But if I’m traveling or for some reason want more of a self-defense blade, my Gerber Covert – OR – Mini Covert usually get the nod.

TIER 3 – Belt Sheath Knife – Next, because many folks wear belts, I recommend a small to medium sized belt sheath knife or multi-tool as your 5 Knives - Leather man Wave TIER 3 EDC.
For me, I carry my trusted, Leather man Wave multi-tool on my belt. Now, besides having a great fine and serrated edged blade, my Leather man wave has a pile of other tools that come in handy almost every day. 5-Knives-Card Sharp.

TIER 4 – Wallet Knife – When I leave the house I ALWAYS have my wallet in my pocket… and a wallet always seemed like like a great place to keep a backup blade. So… in my wallet I carry an Ian Sinclair Cardsharp 2 as my last ditch knife. It’s lightweight and thin, wicked sharp, and only takes up a credit card slot in my wallet… but easily folds into a very capable light duty knife.

TIER 5 – PRIMARY Survival Knife – My 5th and final tier for an everyday carry survival knife is my primary (or preferred) survival knife. This is the ONE knife I want with me if things go bad real bad. My past favorites range from my Mora Light My Fire, OKC Blackbird SK5, Gerber LMF II… the newer Gerber Strong-arm.

Check Back Often for the Release of the Ultimate Survival Tips MSK-1 (Multi Scenario Knife)
Survival Tips: MSK-1 Multi-Scenario Knife. When I can’t carry it on my belt it’s usually not far away, waiting quietly in my EDC backpack.
BONUS TIP – For a super cheap – last ditch blade, take some heavy duty – duct tape to secure a standard – old school razor blade (with cardboard blade protector) to the inside of your wallet – or even – the inside your shoe under the insole…
But whatever you do, don’t forget about your EDC blades when entering weapon-free buildings or going through TSA check points… like I did one day with my Leather man Wave – that almost cost me my tool and missing my flight.


  1. Charlie you certainly made some great points and thanks for the tips! Now that I know what to look from a knife and which one usits me, I can choose one from these: http://hikingmastery.com/top-pick/best-survival-knife.html let me know what you think? Like one in particular?

  2. This article summarizes what one should look for when one is considering on buying a survival knife. Survival knives vary greatly in quality and, for that reason, choosing a good knife is vital for survival reasons. The article features an expert knife reviewer.http:// http://archeryclub.zohosites.com/blogs/post/Four-Quick-Fixes-For-Farm-Field-Deer/

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